Partnership agreement for un-equal partnership


A simple partnership agreement for the operation of a New Zealand partnership, with the ability to buy out a deceased's partner's share. This agreement assumes the partners will make unequal capital contributions and will share any profits or losses on an unequal basis.


Partnership agreement


A comprehensive partnership agreement suitable for a business in any New Zealand industry and with any number of partners.


Admission of new partner agreement


This admission of a new partner agreement effectively brings together the existing and new partners co-exisiting with the terms of the original New Zealand partnership deed.


Family partnership agreement


Ideal for family businesses or groups of friends working together, this partnership agreement provides a good framework for setting out how a New Zealand business will be run.


Partnership agreement for equal partnership


An agreement that provides for a seller of shares of a company not to compete with the business of the New Zealand Company after the sale for a specified period of time and in a certain geographical area.


Partnership dissolution agreement


Essential document to wind up your New Zealand partnership affairs.


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