NZ Employment documents & articles
Help yourself to a range of New Zealand Employment agreements including and Consultancy agreements, Employee Warning Letters, Termination and Redundancy agreements. Understand various employment issues with these self-help articles explained in a plain English HowTo.. format.
Employment Self-help Documents
New Zealand Employment Articles
- bring a sexual harassment claim against your employer
- bring a wrongful dismissal claim against your employer
- discipline an employee
- dismiss an employee
- enforce a restraint of trade clause in an employment contract
- enter into an employment agreement as an employee
- enter into an employment agreement as an employer
- know your rights when applying or being interviewed for a job
- parental leave
- personal grievance against your employer
- personal grievance brought claim brought by an employee
- protection for 'whistle-blowing'
- recover wages owing to me
- recover your full holiday and leave entitlement
- redundancy - challenge being made redundant
- redundancy - make an employee redundant
- union rights