Horse care agreement


This horse care agreement records how a retired or injured horse or pony will be looked after on a long term basis by someone other than the owner. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Conditional agreement: purchase horse or pony


This conditional agreement binds the owner of a horse or a pony to a future sale if the prospective buyer decides to purchase. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


DIY livery yard agreement


This is a comprehensive livery agreement for yard owners providing "do-it-yourself " (DIY) livery services to horse owners, where the yard owner provides a loose box, and basic facilities, but the horse owner feeds, exercises and generally cares for the horse. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Equestrian facilities licence: stables, arena or other buildings


This agreement covers the occasional use of facilities, like show jumping, arenas, gallops or cross country courses. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Equestrian yard lease: stables and other facilities


This is a lease of an equestrian establishment of any size. Use for a livery yard, training or recovery facilities, or for racing yards. It is suitable for private or business use. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse loan agreement


Agreement to protect an owner and their horse or pony loaned or rented for eventing, jumping or showing. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse sale agreement: buyer's version


This agreement is a simple way to protect yourself as a buyer of a horse or pony. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse sale agreement: high value transaction


This horse sale contract gives the buyer a great deal of protection if the horse is medically unsound or if the condition is not as the seller described. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse sale agreement: seller's version


This is a version of our horse sale agreement tailored for sellers rather than buyers. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse sale commission agreement


This is a livery agreement for situations where the yard owner acts as an agent to the sale and receives a commission if he sells the horse. In addition, he receives livery fees while the horse is on the yard. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse share agreement: recreational riding


This easy to edit horse share agreement is full of practical matters, some of which might have been overlooked without it. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse sharing agreement: competing


This is a shared ownership agreement for a sport horse, where one of the owners is a competition rider, and the other a financial backer. This document records the arrangement and the obligations of each owner to the other and to the care of the horse. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Horse training agreement


This is a comprehensive horse training agreement that includes provision for livery and the option of rider training. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Livery agreement


This comprehensive livery agreement provides everything you want in the agreement with your owners and full legal protection for you. It includes provision for details of services, prices and of course the horse or pony. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


Stallion service agreement


This is an agreement for use primarily by any stallion owner as his standard terms, setting out clearly the mare information and warranties he needs, and terms for reservation, attendance, payment, certification, live foal. This agreement is designed for the New Zealand equine industry.


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