Option to buy land and property: additional price, non-assignable


Comprehensive option agreement for any land or property with provision for increasing the exercise price in proportion to the increased value of the land. Suitable for use throughout New Zealand.


Option to buy land and property: extension of term, non-assignable


Comprehensive option agreement for any land or property with provision for an extension of the option period in exchange for an additional payment to the Seller, thus rewarding him for waiting longer, if for example expected planning consent has been delayed. Suitable for use throughout New Zealand.


Option to buy land and property: standard, assignable


This standard comprehensive version is suitable for dealing with a land owner who requires an option agreement in its simplest form. Completely watertight yet elegantly easy. Suitable for use throughout New Zealand.


Option to buy land and property: standard, non-assignable


This standard comprehensive version is suitable for dealing with a land owner who is happy with legal documents, or with his solicitor. It does not contain the additional provisions of other documents. Suitable for use throughout New Zealand.


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